November 26, 2009

Melissa in Wonderland, Romeo and Leanne

Filed under: adventures in the world of today,gadgets,living in the future — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 3:04 pm

I am disturbed by the concept of personalised classic books: found here on iwantoneofthose.

Have you always dreamed of starring in your very own novel alongside your friends? Well, here’s your chance. The Personalised Classic Books take 5 well known classics and lets you choose who you want to be the central characters. The plot remains the same, the only thing that changes is that it’s you hunting vampires in the darkest depths of Transylvania, or your friends setting out along the yellow brick road while you chase them on a broom stick.

It’s clearly an idea whose time has come but who actually would want one? The most obsessive Alice fan I know would run screaming from this concept. And in the 70 years until Twilight fans can have them will they still want one?

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