February 19, 2009

Categories problem

Filed under: news,website and internet — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 2:34 pm

I’ve just discovered that a category search takes you to every blog with that category, not just mine. This is rather irritating. I have a support enquiry in with wordpress but if you’re getting surprising search results, that’s why.

ETA: Apparently I needed to turn on the categories widget. Have now done this and all is fine. ::heaves sigh of relief::

February 18, 2009

New blog at wordpress

Filed under: news,website and internet — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 7:55 pm

There have been updates at www.rhiannonlassiter.com, tweaks to the layout of the ‘about the author’ and ‘connect’ areas, a new blog added and lots of links to social networking sites where I have a presence.

http://www.rhiannonlassiter.com – for the website
http://rhiannonlassiter.wordpress.com – to go directly to the new blog.

Please admire the curvy corners of the connect area.

PS: My reasons for moving from blogger to wordpress are:
a) easier to customise css
b) better implemenation of tagging and archiving
c) generally recommended

However, it’s not perfect at wordpress, problems are:
a) can’t edit html at all
b) customising css could be even easier still if not based on a template

Curvy corners and pressed words

Filed under: website and internet — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 7:53 pm

There have been updates at www.rhiannonlassiter.com, tweaks to the layout of the ‘about the author’ and ‘connect’ areas, a new blog added (this one!) and lots of links to social networking sites where I have a presence.

Please admire the curvy corners of the connect area. ;)

February 17, 2009

What was that book?

Filed under: links — Tags: — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 5:34 pm

A while ago I used to run a ‘what was that book’ forum on the fan forum section of my website. I stopped running the forum but in the last couple of years I’ve been a member of a website called whatsthatbook.com which does the same thing. The idea is that people post their missing books (stories they remember but cannot place the title and author) and other readers comment to say if they know what the book was.

I can’t tell you how much I enjoy doing this. It’s like a game and resource all at once.

My profile page on whatsthatbook is here and lists my replies to questions and my correctly identified books. Other authors may be amused to see which books of theirs people have forgotten!

I’ve noticed some books that often show up on sites like this:
The Changeover by Margaret Mahy
Everything ever written by Monica Hughes, but especially Keeper of the Isis Light
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
Drinking Sapphire Wine by Tanith Lee

I once identified a book for someone on the basis of a description that “it was brown and was about a girl who could talk to animals”. Can anyone else place the book I’m talking about?

February 15, 2009

New blog, new interactivity

Filed under: website and internet — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 3:06 pm

As part of my ongoing plan to improve my website, I am going to be adding information about updates to the site to the blog. (I’ll also be putting event information directly on the blog rather than on a static ‘events’ page.)

The reason for this is so website visitors will be directed towards the interactive areas of the site and types of information can be tagged and categorised easily.

September 10, 2008


Filed under: website and internet — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 4:24 pm

Today I have achieved techno-joy in managing to syndicate my blog on my Facebook as notes. This is awesome because I won’t have to update in multiple places when I’ve got news to share.

If you’re a LiveJournal user, you can also find the RSS feed here: http://syndicated.livejournal.com/lassiter_rss

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