Rhiannon and Arram at the Guardian award
I’ve been sick with a nasty cold recently so I’m late in updating my blog about the Guardian Award. The party was held in London, in the old press room. Writers and judges mingled with book world folk and the junior critics and I found myself the centre of a swarm of well-dressed and self-possessed young people who politely asked me to sign copies of my book and autograph books and to have my picture taken.
I did meet Nancy Netherwood and her sister Evie, as well as a host of Twilight fans (all team Edward), an intense and determined aspirant young writer called Arram (pictured top right) who I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see publishing her own work in another five to ten years.

Rhiannon and R? at the Guardian award
Shout outs also to the very pretty girl in the polka-dotted dress, the critic’s friend who was given my book because her friend thought she’d enjoy it and the brunette in the pink top whose picture is below. I promised her a copy of this photo but being ill has driven it out of my mind, except I *think* it began with an R – let me hear from you, my friend.
The award was won by Patrick Ness for The Knife of Never Letting Go.