Today is Ghost of a Chance day: my new book has been published. (Officially now, Amazon jumped the gun a bit.)
The wonderful, talented Sara Wallcraft has designed special friezes for my Ghost of a Chance webpage, one of the Chance house, one of some beautiful peacocks. Do make sure to check it out.
You can also find a sample chapter of the book. Hopefully once you’ve read it, you’ll be inspired to rush out and immediately buy a copy.
But for one lucky person there could be a free copy heading your way. To celebrate, I’m announcing a competition to win a signed copy of the book. For your chance to win, comment on my blog with your answer to the question “What’s the best way to solve a murder?” Winners will be announced tomorrow at 9am GMT, to give everyone time to take part. (Make sure to comment on the blog itself, not on the Facebook syndicated version.) If you’ve already ordered a copy, why not have a go anyway and win a copy for a friend or family member?
Happy Ghost of a Chance day to me and to all of you!
Edited to add: Ghost of a Chance is already Book of the Week at new crime blog Crime Central!
Competition entrants, please make sure to check back tomorrow to see if you’re the winner because I will need to get your street address from you to send you your prize!
Best way to solve a murder is to commit it yourself! Then you’ll know who & why(maybe).
Comment by Eileen — January 6, 2011 @ 11:24 am
Best way to solve a murder… tell a puzzle-fanatic-friend that it’s a puzzle, and get them to solve it. Lazy, me?
Comment by Liz — January 6, 2011 @ 11:26 am
Best way to solve a murder – make sure that you have a long-distant relationship with Miss Jane Marple and invite her to stay at regular intervals. Of course, if you don’t invite her to stay, there probably won’t be a murder!
Comment by Nikki — January 6, 2011 @ 11:31 am
Best way to solve a murder- take a photo of everything and everyone, one of those photos is bound to have some tell tale clue or something a bit odd!
Comment by Lozz — January 6, 2011 @ 11:32 am
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mary Hoffman. Mary Hoffman said: RT @rhi_lassiter: In honour of Ghost of a Chance's publication I'm running a competition to win a copy of the book. [...]
Pingback by Tweets that mention Happy Ghost of a Chance day to me! « Rhiannon Lassiter -- — January 6, 2011 @ 11:34 am
The best way to solve a murder is to use carefully placed debris and the opening hours of nearby garages to trap groups of kids in Volkswagons at the scene of the crime. Dog is a bonus.
Comment by Gray — January 6, 2011 @ 11:38 am
The best way to solve a murder is find an utterly reliable eye-witness,preferably one who happened to be making a film at the time, and ask them whodunnit. However, very few murderers are consierate enough to carry out their murders in ideal circumstances, so failing that, if the murder took place in a rural village, check the local area for well-known actors who don’t niormally live there, tell them you know they did it, and they will probably confess. Otherwise, seek the help of a maverick police officer (one who is temporariliy suspended/relegated to office work or just about to retire would be ideal) Give them a free hand for 90 minutes.
If you are at all magically inclined, then a seance to ask the victim is best (although it is considered cheating in many detective circles)
But the only sure way is to commit the murder yourself, and then (unless you like small spaces) keep very quiet about it.
Comment by Marjorie — January 6, 2011 @ 12:32 pm
Invent a time machine then go back in time and observe the murder being committed.
Of course, this approach does suffer from the drawback that you’ll likely end up committing the murder yourself for some reason you failed to anticipate.
Comment by Dom Camus — January 6, 2011 @ 2:14 pm
Dom, there was a terrible BBC TV series in the 90′s along those lines!
Comment by Gray — January 6, 2011 @ 2:17 pm
Call in either Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes.
Alternatively, make sure your psychic skills are up to scratch and your crystal ball is well polished.
Comment by Nicky S — January 6, 2011 @ 3:03 pm
The best way to solve a murder is to be there at the time. Sadly this might mean you won’t be anywhere else for the foreseeable future.
Comment by Candy Gourlay — January 6, 2011 @ 5:16 pm
And congrats on the new book! Can’t wait to win it!
Comment by Candy Gourlay — January 6, 2011 @ 5:16 pm
Ask a nearby author to write you into a book as the sleuth
Comment by Andie — January 6, 2011 @ 6:21 pm