March 17, 2009

Blogging Sisterhood Award

Filed under: awards,links,news — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 4:24 pm

I have been given a Blogging Sisterhood Award by Scribble City Central. Lucy Coats writes: “Rhiannon has directed me to all sorts of wonderful places I never would have discovered without her. And she really (no, I mean REALLY) knows her stuff on the book front. A goldmine of interesting information. At least it is for me.”

Thank you, Lucy, for your generous critique!

The Blogging Sisterhood Award was created by Diana of Diana Rambles and is designed to be passed on. When you are gifted with it, you should pass it on. Scribble City Central suggested listing ten names of other bloggers but I’m not actively following enough blogs to nominate that many.

Instead I shall list three blogs, to which I am passing the award on:

  • Hijab Style, a fashion blog for Muslim women
  • Farah Mendlesohn’s Inter-Galactic Playground, a children’s science fiction review blog; the blog is officially defunct now the book has been published but has lots of really interesting recommendations in the field of YA SF
  • Kate Harding’s Shapely Prose, a feminist blog

Thank you to all three blogs for having informed and entertained me.

Note: Some readers of this blog may be wondering about what connection my blog choices have to my life choices. I am a feminist and I believe in the gospel of size-acceptance. I am not a Muslim and I do not wear hijab, but I am interested in Islamic culture and dress. I am a YA SF writer and have been reviewed at the Inter-Galactic Playground but it’s for the recommendations of books other than my own that I am recommending it. I’m assuming that people reading my blog already know about my books!

1 Comment »

  1. Good for you! Naffo old award logo tho.

    Comment by Mo — March 18, 2009 @ 9:24 am

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