Rhiannon Lassiter was born in 1977 and is the eldest daughter of award-winning children’s author Mary Hoffman. Rhiannon’s first novel, Hex, was accepted for publication when she was nineteen years old. She lives and works in Oxford, where she attended university, reading English Literature at Corpus Christi College.
Since then she has published nine further novels, a non-fiction book about the supernatural and co-edited an anti-war anthology of poetry and prose. Rhiannon’s books have been widely reviewed, nominated for multiple awards and translated into over ten languages. Her most recently published title was Bad Blood in 2008 and she is currently working on a new crime thriller called Ghost of a Chance, to be published in 2010.
In addition to writing Rhiannon has worked in marketing, web design and journalism and is currently a judge for the Arthur C. Clarke award. Her ambition is to be writer-in-residence on the Moon.
Rhiannon is involved in various projects, attends book world events and runs creative writing workshops for schools and colleges. On her blog she posts about her recent activities and gives online advice to aspiring authors.
For details on how to contact Rhiannon via her agents and publicity offices visit the contact page, visit the connect area to find her pages on social networking sites, sign up to the fan forums or make a comment on the blog.
For more about Rhiannon go to the about the author area at Rhiannon Lassiter’s website.
I was trying to find your e-mail address but could not find any, so I decided to post my message here. I am writing from Poland, where your book “Bad Blood” is due to be published this month. I have just finished reading it and must say I really enjoyed it.
The reason I am writing to you is that I am a subeditor of Polish website Carpe Noctem, which deals with horrors, thrillers and crimes stories, and I was wondering if we could arrange a quick Q&A through e-mail. I would translate it into Polish and publish on our website on the day of the publication of your book (23th of September), as an additional means of promotion.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Agnieszka Brodzik
Comment by crusia — September 7, 2009 @ 1:32 pm
Hello Agnieszka,
I’m sorry I missed your message, it was filtered out by my spam filter, sorry about that. I would be happy to do a Q&A with you if you’re still interested. I can’t find your email address on the Carpe Noctem website so I’m hoping you’ll get a notification about this message.
Best wishes,
Comment by Rhiannon Lassiter — October 28, 2009 @ 10:57 am
I’ll translate the answers tonight and hopefully publish the interview tomorrow. I’ll let you know when it’s available. Even though it’ll be in language you don’t know a bit, if I were in your shoes, I’ll be curious anyway
I’ve just got your e-mail. Thank you for your time
Again, thank you
Greetings from Poland,
Comment by crusia — November 8, 2009 @ 5:50 pm
And here it is: http://carpenoctem.pl/pages/lassiter_wyw.htm
Again, thank you.
Comment by crusia — November 9, 2009 @ 11:46 am
Did you get my e-mails about the competition? If not, please write to me.
Best regards,
Comment by crusia — November 16, 2009 @ 3:30 pm
I got it and I’ve sent you a reply just now, sorry for the delay and thank you for being willing to do the competition!
Comment by Rhiannon Lassiter — November 17, 2009 @ 9:54 am