March 18, 2018

Virtuous Cycle

Filed under: bloggery,things Rhiannon likes — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 3:55 pm

Wake Up Work Out photo
In January I wrote about attending my first fitness class at the gym, the classes I’d tried and what I thought of them. I wrote about attending morning classes because it was hard to motivate myself to go in the evening. I hated circuit training and loved zumba.

Things have changed a lot since then.

I never really understood what people meant when they talked about an endorphin rush from working out. I went to the gym once or twice a week and never understood how anyone could enjoy it. Turns out I wasn’t working hard enough.

Exercise is addictive. First there’s the sense of achievement from achieving your goals, then there’s the pleasure of setting new goals and smashing them, then there’s the endorphin rush.

I didn’t get it when I was attending morning classes 5 days a week. I went to the classes because discipline is important. But two weeks ago I added a second set of classes.

My new schedule looks like this:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
8am: spinning
10am: Aerobics
6.15pm: Body Pump
11am: Body Pump
5.30pm: Zumba
8am: spinning
2pm: walking
6pm: spinning
8am: spinning
11am: Zumba
5.15pm: Grit circuit
8am: spinning
10.15am: Aerobics
6.30pm: Grit circuit
10am: spinning
12.30pm: Zumba

Life cycleMy LifeCycle app reckons I spent 10 hours at the gym last week. That doesn’t count the spinning which I do at home and the walking. I aim for 10,000 a day and managed between 15-20,000 most days over the last two weeks.

And I feel as though I’m on a constant high. I bounce off to the gym, I bounce around at the gym and I bounce back home again. I am flushed and my hair is constantly frizzy from all the sweating. I babble about weights and reps to anyone who will listen. I still love zumba but now I love circuit training too. I love body pump. I love everything. I walk out of the worst workout I’ve ever had and book it again for next week. I have become one of those people.

And I was never one of those people. Never ever. In a future blog post I will lay out my plan for making PE less horrendous but for now let it suffice to know I was always at the back, on the edge, wanting to be anywhere else. I once deep-fielded my way into the library.

Now as the clock ticks down on the grit circuit I try to get in one last squat and star jump. I push and then push harder.

I don’t know who I am any more. But it’s exciting to find out who I’m becoming.

March 8, 2018

International Women’s Day: recommended feminist SF

Filed under: recommended reading — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 3:34 pm

Ten works of feminist science fiction I recommend.

All links are to Amazon

January 15, 2018

Strong female characters

Filed under: growing up,RhiDesigns,Twitter — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 8:27 pm

January 11, 2018

First class

Filed under: bloggery,things Rhiannon likes — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 10:52 am

So, I’ve decided to dust off this blog to stimulate my writing muscles. Trust me, I am always writing the novel – it’s just that some of that is thinking about the novel, deleting sections of novel and wondering why I chose such a difficult idea.

One of the things that’s interesting about the current book though is that more than anything I’ve ever written before it takes from thoughts and experiences I’m having right now – rather than nostalgia or hypotheticals.

And, as I start the new year one of those is physical fitness. I’m writing about a character who has become very invested in working out and I’m drawing on my own experiences for her story.

I had “attend a class” on my goals list for a long time before I actually did it. I wanted to want to go. That was as far as I got. But working out can be very boring, I will never forget the incredible achievement that couch to 5k was for me, it made me feel as though I could do anything. And then when running 5k became boring instead of miraculous I told myself I needed a change of pace.

I added weights to my workout but then the gym suddenly included classes in my membership and I didn’t really have an excuse not to go anymore. I started in December, accepted a Christmas break with relief and began again in January.

I originally planned to do classes in the evening but it’s really hard to motivate yourself to go out at night. I chose my gym because I had to walk past it on my commute back home and if I took gym kit with me to work I had everything I needed to walk in instead of just past. Now I’m on sabbatical I have the choice of mornings or evenings and so far mornings have been a sprinkling of people and evenings have been rammed. If you’re new to classes a workday morning might have a lighter attendance and be less intimidating.

My gym offers a range of classes.

One of the most popular is Les Mills body Pump which for a long time I thought was French is actually named after an Australian Olympian named Les Mills. This is a busy and can be a scrum to get the equipment and find a place. You need a mat, a step, weights on a bar and other weight plates to change in and out for various exercises.

Here are some social rules. You’ll be taking up space and other more organised people will know what spaces to go for.
Travel lightly; leave everything but a water bottle and a light towel in your locker.
Enter the class quickly and get a mat. Find a gap for your mat and dump your towel and water bottle on it.
Ideally you want to be able to see the instructor in the mirror at the front. You can go forward and know other people can see you, go backwards and risk only seeing the rest of the class. It doesn’t massively matter because people will be of focused on their own performance, not yours, and in an intense class the mirrors can steam up.
Once you have your mat, choose weights. Don’t make the mistake of trying to match your weights to those of the rest of the class, always choose the lowest when you start. Don’t change up during class either. It takes a day to recognise the effects that a class will have on you.
Steps are made of risers and a crosspiece, check what number of risers the others are using and choose that or add a couple to increase the level by one, steps are used for horrible press ups and tricep dips all of which are easier if you start from a higher level.
Once you’ve got everything you need bring it back to your mat and check your position relative to people around you. You need enough space to move forwards and backwards and side to side at full extension. You will also need a space to lie down by your step and use it for the horrible press ups. People will be accommodating during class but they will be better at keeping their weights and bar and step tidy then you so learn what space you need.

If you’re starting a new class Body Pump is a good choice, it’s intense, it involves a lot of different exercises, it uses music but doesn’t rely on it, it’s basically being bossed about to do a lot of different weight training exercises in time. Everyone probably finds different things hard and for me the tricep dips and push-ups are extremely hard but the most actively painful are lunges where it amazes me how my legs just suddenly give up with no intervention from my mind at all.

I tried a bunch of classes and I think Body Pump is currently right in the middle for me in terms of workout and enjoyment. It’s a good class and it does the job but there are other I prefer and others I fear more.

The worst is the Tabata Circuit, it’s only half an hour long but it feels like forever, you use your own body as the weight so all you need is a mat. The circuit is alternating horrible push-ups and dips and squats and star jumps and things so horrendous I don’t even know their names. The first time I did it had to do it on my own, the second time the only other person in the class was some kind of boxer.but the class is at a convenient time and I leave it shaking so I’ll stick with it. The first time I even stayed on for another further half hour of indivisible punishment but then I could barely walk the next day.

The best is Zumba. Zumba is the class I will keep forever. People tell you it’s good and you don’t listen because these are the same people telling you that yoga and running are awesome. Or will go wild swimming in rivers in February and mill ponds in October so naturally they are not to be trusted. But Zumba is awesome and everyone who told you to try it was right.

At my gym Zumba is a mixture of club dancing, Latin moves, workout stuff and being the Fonz. Just imagine you are cool like Fonzie and you can Zumba, you can even jump that shark. Zumba involves following the movements of the instructor at speed to music with breaks every ten minutes or so to drink water and breathe. It’s intense and fun and energising and unjudgemental. You do some sexualised movements like swishing or pumping your hips or sliding your arms up and down your body but those are time keeping moves as you breathe a bit before the next step.

In Zumba, as in every class, you will sometimes feel you are late or going the wrong way, push through it. These steps repeat and the changes repeat too. Keep trying to keep up, it doesn’t matter if you are off or late, watch the steps and try to get part of it, when it comes around again you’ll get a little bit more. Remember that everyone else has been to this class before and they know the moves, that looks intimidating but it’s inspiring too, they learnt it, you will too. And Zumba is lovely, it’s full of sass and fun and you sweat like anything. If only everything was Zumba.

But it’s not on every day so my second favourite is aerobics, that’s a more chilled out body pump with moderate weights and no step, There is some synchronised movement as in every class but you’re not a itself dancing like Zumba and you have a bit more time to compose yourself between exercises than in body pump. My two classes so far have been with different instructors and although the first was more fun they both pushed various exercises to a point where they felt effective but not too hard. Where Body Pump pushes you and then you keep on going, Aerobics laid off and tried something else.

My childhood PE lessons ever taught me any physical education so I’m learning this stuff as I go. I got fat and I didn’t mean to and didn’t notice because of reasons, and then things changed and I changed. Learning to run 5k rewired my brain so that I now believe a lot of things are possible that I could never have imagined, Today I’m the slowest person in the class, with a whole differ colour of weight on my bar always a half step behind. Tomorrow I won’t be.

March 10, 2016

Approaching the end of The Good Wife

Filed under: bloggery,reviews,things Rhiannon does not like,things Rhiannon likes — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 10:36 pm


The current season of The Good Wife will likely be the last and I’m going to miss it. Personally I’d like to see a Good Wife spin off called Lockhart and Associates, because who remembers the name of that law firm except for Diane Lockhart anyway, centred around Christine Baranski as Named Partner, keeping Cush Jumbo as junior associate Lucca Quin and bringing back Archie Panjabi as investigator Kalinda Sharma. There aren’t enough female dominated TV shows, although I love Lena Dunham’s Girls and Jenji Kohan’s Orange is the New Black, and the women have been one of the best parts of Good Wife since the start.

I was introduced to it in early 2015 and binge watched it immediately so that I saw seasons 6 and 7 as they came out. It’s had moments of real brilliance and also terrible lows. What annoys me about it even when I love it is missed opportunities and under used characters.

I loathed Chris Noth in Sex and the City but he was excellent as slippery political machinator and lovecheat Governor Peter Florrick and in early seasons he and Julianna Margolis’s Alicia Florrick had a fascinating dynamic. She was standing-by-her man, desperate for a job to bring in some money after being out of the workforce for over a decade but far too busy for Peter’s clawing himself back into power and his demands for her forgiveness and her emotional energy. But although Peter was a schemer and a manipulator, that Florricks had a connection and a relationship which was a lot deeper and meaningful than the casual hook-ups Noth had as ‘Mr Big’ with Sarah Michelle Parker’s Carrie Bradshaw. I would have liked to have seen more of Peter Florrick but he seemed to move further away from the core narrative as the series developed and something of that defining relationship after which the show was named was lost as he receded further into the background. It seemed to happen almost between episodes that one of the Florricks’ endless rows proved the final one and they barely interacted afterwards.

I think another mistake was to bring Alicia on to the political stage. If Peter had continued as a major character he could have occupied that space and the series could have continued to explore more of the tension between Alicia’s role as wife of a ‘great man’ and an independent professional entity – a Cherie Booth story if Cherie had continued to work during her Downing Street tenure. But as Peter moved down set, Alicia occupied the political ground and moved further away from the law firm and that left Lockhart and Associates in the shadows as the show’s camera moved with Alicia and she was never at work. Seasons five and six concentrated on arc plot to the detriment of the ripped from the headlines law drama of the week approach that had been the strength of the early seasons.

I think the writers are deliberately moving towards a point at the end of season seven which leaves everyone more or less back where they started. Diana Lockhart spending more time scheming how to cement her power than actually working but still head of a successful partnership, Alicia working out what kind of lawyer she wants to be, and Peter Florrick back in prison as the misdeeds that have been following him from the start finally catch up. That’s fine as far as it goes – but it means it was a pity to move the focus away from Peter en route.

Also lost on the way was a truly great character in soft-spoken badass Kalinda. It’s quite clear that Margolis had a problem with Sharma and a great girl buddy relationship was lost there. There was the subtext that Kalinda was quietly crushing on Alicia with the complication of their mutual history with Peter and different moral codes. The shambles of their final scene together in which the two actresses weren’t even filmed in the same room was just depressing – although Archie Panjabi gave it her all until the end.

I somehow get the impression Juliana Margolis might be quite difficult to work with but I found her interesting and believable as someone who’s defined herself in a series of ways that turn out not to be based on truth and is trying to rebuild her personality from the ground up. I’m not completely comfortable with the way her enjoyment of a glass of wine after work seems to have transitioned into a running gag about her incipient alcoholism which must be medicated with sex. That’s a disservice to the character and to any woman who likes a drink. And Alicia’s sex life has always been cringingly badly presented. Actually, that’s not quite true because I found her occasional encounters with her husband credible. But her high school crush on beaky-nosed blowhard Will Gardner was just inconceivable to me. I’ve never been a fan of will-they-won’t-they romantic entanglements so it was almost a relief when they finally consummated all that office flirting. And it was a double relief when Will was tragically shot and the character was erased for good. But then the show made one of those weird misteps where Alicia immediately fixated on Finn Polmar (remember him?) the dashing young state’s attorney who tried to save Will’s life as her new romantic interest – as though somehow Will’s dying soul had passed into Finn and with it that a bizarre sexual attraction that I could have done without. I could also have done without the release of the text of Alicia’s private emails to Will in the email exposure episode, did anyone else freeze frame and read exactly how embarrassingly graphic and horribly written those sexts were? If you did hit the pause button you’d have been stunned at the gullibility of a press who were prepared to believe that was an ‘office flirtation that was never realised’. And Alicia’s latest romantic entanglement this season with an actor who will forever be known to me as Denny Duquett from Grey’s Anatomy has just had raw/roar sex accompanied by lion attacks. Maybe if I’m lucky Alicia will pull an Izzy Stevens and discover that all her sex with Denny was just a brain tumour.

Quite apart from the excruciating content of Alicia’s sex emails, I’m convinced that the endlessly changing name and ownership of the lawfirms she’s belonged to has led to some deeply weird continuity issues. It was the email system of Lockhart, Florrick, Agos that was hacked but the emails the hackers acquired included emails from Lockhart Gardner although the two firms were independent entities. ‘Stern, Lockart & Gardner‘ became ‘Lockhart, Gardner & Bond’, became ‘Lockhart Gardner’, became ‘Lockhart Gardner Canning’ became ‘Canning and Associates’. It doesn’t make sense that the other firm which was ‘Florrick, Agos and Associates’ then ‘Lockhart, Florrick, Agos’ then ‘Lockhart, Agos, Lee’ would have all the email of the original firm just because they had recovered the lease of the building. Email access isn’t a utility in which previous messages get backed up like hair in a drainpipe. Plus I’m convinced that the sole black male associate of Lockhart etc went off to start a New York branch office for firm A and returned to what he believed was firm A but was actually firm B with very similar staff occupying the same office – and he never noticed. Running payroll for the firm must be a nightmare although they keep the sign writers and branding consultants in business.

Continuity of character was also increasingly untidy. Alan Cumming was initially impressive as wily campaign manager Eli Gold but his buttoned up neurotic personality became increasingly caricatured into a figure of fun whose idea of cunning is listening at doors. What were his motivations. One moment Eli was vowing revenge on Peter for demoting him the next he was begging for his old job back. He broke down in sobs over deleting Alicia’s voicemail from her late lost love before remembering along with the script writers that the voicemail actually came before Alicia’s torrid affair and it’s deletion had no actual effect.

The in-fighting about who got to be named partners left me reeling. Within months Alicia goes from forming a lawfirm with Cary and mortgaging her home to save him from prison to distrusting him and suspecting him of plotting against her with Diane. And Diane’s slide from liberalism into gun-toting right-wingery was less of a surprise than her determination to always jump to the worst possible conclusion about everyone else’s motives.

Still, I only get annoyed with the show because of those moments which showed how clever and funny it could be: the rigged search engines of Neil Gross’ ChumHum, the campaign support video by Peter Florrick’s ex mistress, the ever watchful CIA analysts spying on the protagonists, and the copyright suit that gave us the pop and rap versions of Thicky Trick. I also enjoyed Mary Beth Peil as Alicia’s judgemental mother-in-law, Makenzie Vega as in her teenage transition as Grace Florrick, Zach Grenier as greedy divorce lawyer David Lee, Michael J Fox using his disability for evil, Carrie Preston as the eccentric savant Elsbeth Tascioni, Mamie Gummer as a folksy but cutthroat corporate lawyer, and Sarah Steele as Eli’s insouciant daughter. Oh and the parade of eccentric judges and the occasional appearances of psychopath billionaire Colin Sweeney. I hope we see him again before the show ends.

May 12, 2015

My current top ten songfest

Filed under: Amazon Associate,bloggery,music,things Rhiannon likes,YouTube — Tags: , — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 10:59 pm

These aren’t my favourite songs ever, just what turns up in iTunes listed as the current top ten top starred. But I have good reasons for starring them.

"Cool" video still

“Cool” video still

  • Cool [feat. Roy English], Alesso – As much as I love this song I love the video even more. I love the Silent Bob character and the Hot for Teacher geek and the underwear fantasy teacher. It’s a movie in five minutes,
  • Only Happy When It Rains, Garbage – A classic, but I’m surprised this rates higher in my list than Ready to Go by Republica which was even more of a classic favourite.
  • Give Me Novacaine, Green Day – my partner got me into Green Day and they grew on me over time, what can I say?
  • Ready for the Floor, Hot Chip – I will always love dance and this is such an anthem
  • Hey Na Na, Katie Herzig – encountered via a fanvid and fell instantly in love with this song
  • In For The Kill, La Roux – I think I heard this in the soundtrack to a TV show, which doesn’t really do it justice
  • Trouble Is a Friend, Lenka – who knows where I got this from but I do love a singer songwriter, I had a lot of Sarah McLachlan on tape.
  • Tickets, Maroon 5 – I love all their songs really but this is my current favourite
  • Starships, Nicki Minaj - there should be more hip hop and rap in this top ten but Nicki represents here for a large part of my usual listening list
  • Hit That, The Offspring

Base links as usual are to Amazon and I get a tiny royalty for recommendations followed through these links.

April 26, 2015

Television ratings

I was looking up US TV ratings while on the phone to a friend, via a wikipedia page that suggested one of our favourite shows is dropping alarmingly in the ratings. In 2013/14 the top rated (non football show) was one I don’t watch: The Big Bang Theory. I’ll probably get around to it though if only because it has Christine Baranski in it occasionally and I would watch her in anything.

Lena Dunham as Hannah in Girls

Lena Dunham as Hannah in Girls

Right now my current favourite television shows are all from the US. Here they are, listed in current order of preference and with Amazon associate links to DVDs of the shows referenced, if you like the recommendation and buy it through this link I get a small commission from Amazon.

  1. Girls, I really do rate this first. I love the interactions between the characters, their naivety, their attempts to create art while painfully self-consciousness of the fact their art is all about themselves. It’s lovely writing and acting and Lena Dunham is a genius. It’s slightly grimy reality. Not implausible, just uncomfortable. It reminds me a lot of my life as a university student.
  2. Empire, I’ve only just started watching this and I love it so much. The music really makes it for me. This is for me what Glee is for the people who love it, musically speaking. Taraji P. Henson is awesome, she makes Empire for me. Cookie should hire Diane Lockhart as her lawyer and form an invincible team.
  3. Christine Baranski as Diane Lockhart in The Good Wife

  4. The Good Wife, I was introduced to this show by the same friend I was talking about ratings with and we’re both worried to see it sinking from a high of 16th to a low of 27th. It just doesn’t make sense that Grey’s Anatomy still ranks this show when there’s just so much to love about The Good Wife – not just the divine Christine Baranski. But it has admittedly lost its way between the politics and the law and needs to get back to a reasonable balanced between villain of the week and arc plot to recover the key strengths of the narrative.
  5. Orange is the New Black, I hate the protagonist (so much more than Hannah in Girls) but the ensemble cast make up for it. Kate Mulgrew is awesome in this, which surprised me – because I hated her in Star Trek Voyager. I also rate Danielle Brooks, Lea DeLaria and have a crush on Laura Prepon.
  6. Parks and Recreation, I got into this after 30 Rock went away and followed it through to the the current and probably last seventh season. Amy Poehler and Aubrey Plaza make this for me. I find some of the comedy really uncomfortable – the “Gary/Jerry” character especially – although in the last season I think the show has tried to make amends for making him the butt of every joke.
  7. Kathleen Rose Perkins as Carol Rance in Episodes

    Kathleen Rose Perkins as Carol Rance in Episodes

  8. Episodes, I love the UK/US divide of this show and the relationship between Tamsin Greig and Kathleen Rose Perkins – even though it wouldn’t pass the Bechdel test.
  9. Community, it’s still funny but it’s starting to become worrying how these people are incapable of moving on from their attachment to this eccentric community college.

Still on the list of shows I am watching but ones I don’t actually rate are:

  • Greys Anatomy, I have been watching this show for so long and at time it has been one of my favourites but in its eleventh season now it’s lost all the characters I cared about and seems a vague shadow of itself. It amazes me to see it in at 15 in the ratings. It has had some incredible moments though so I guess I’m still hoping it can pull it out of the bag.
  • New Girl, I’m not even sure why I like this show. It’s not because of Zooey Deschanel although she’s competent enough at this “adorkable” thing the show is marketing. It’s mainly the assemble cast I enjoy.

That turns out to be a list of nine so to tag this with a top ten I’ll add Suburgatory which only recently got killed off and had some brilliant character parts – most notably from Carly Chaikin and Cheryl Hines as Dalia and Dallas Royce who made this show for me.

April 17, 2015

The right chair arm

Filed under: bloggery — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 12:10 am

To whom it may concern,
I bought this chair on the 14th of March last year and have been very happy with it. But last week one of the arms snapped off. The plastic around the bolts just sheered away. Can I have a replacement arm please? (it’s the right arm as you look at the chair, the left as you sit in it.
Many thanks for your help in this matter,

Thank you for your message. We will send you a new armrest.
We are happy to provide you with further questions you may have.

Thank you so much for sending me a replacement chair arm and I really appreciate it. Unfortunately the one you have sent is the incorrect arm – the one you’ve sent is for the other side of the chair. Could you possible please send the correct one?
Many thanks, Rhiannon

Good day,
please send us a photo of the wrong delivery.

Here are two photos. In the first I hope you can see the existing arm of the chair and the one you sent. In the second is the broken arm (bottom) and the one you sent (top).
They are very similar but the correct arm is the reverse of the one I now have two of. I hope that makes sense.

Thank you for your message. Please let us know if you have received a left arm or right arm.

I don’t know how to answer that question without knowing which one you call the left and which the right. If you are looking at the chair – it’s the left arm. If you are sitting in the chair it’s the right arm.

as a spare part we have sent you a right armrest. You told us that you did not get the right armrest. Therefore, the question if you get a left arm?

Here’s a diagram to explain the problem.
Thank you for the time you are giving to this issue!
best wishes,

April 5, 2015

Paying creatives

Filed under: bloggery,things I read on the internet — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 8:00 pm

I read this story today about Garbage (the band) requesting the use of a photo in a planned book and while I’m not qualified to comment on the legal issues (the band say they already own the rights so asking is a courtesy), I’m not impressed with the overall assumption that creative artists should be willing to donate their work for free to a “for profit” venture, or that artists should be always willing to help another artist out. This is the same week in which Madonna, Jay-Z and various other artists launched Tidal, again with the idea that creative artists should want to pay over the odds for other people’s creative art out of a general spirit of support.

So here’s my manifesto, as a creative artist, as a consumer of media and as an employer (via my own employer) of interns and other staff.

  1. All creative artists should be paid for their work if that work is considered valuable.
  2. If you sell your work via a buy-out agreement and it subsequently makes millions for someone else then sue for royalties.
  3. Any creative artist ought to be free to use someone else’s work but if that derivative work goes on to make millions the original creator deserves a cut of those profits.
  4. Don’t hire anyone to do for free a service that is generally regarded as professional.
  5. If you’re trading favours, establish an hourly value of your work so you know what you’re trading.
  6. When considering an internship role, look for detailed training programme and a clear understanding of what skills you are expected to gain.
  7. Remember that other people don’t have your skills and price them accordingly.
  8. Also remember that people expect work available on the internet to be free
  9. Make it easy for people to pay you and provide free samples of your work
  10. If you are perceived as successful then people won’t see you as a needy cause, so don’t launch a kickstarter if you’re already seen as having made it.
  11. Return on investment is key to most projects – but you get to add a category for self growth

to be continued

March 26, 2015

Why you need a decent camera

Filed under: adventures in the world of today — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 12:35 am

I took these two photos seconds apart. Neither is filtered. One is the built in camera on my iMac. The other is a Logitech external camera.

And it’s not even as though the Logitech camera costs very much. Why’s the iMac cam so vile?

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