February 4, 2011

Save UK libraries!

Filed under: bloggery,news,things Rhiannon does not like,things Rhiannon likes — Tags: — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 6:37 pm

Public libraries all over the UK have been threatened with closure. Some have closed already, other closures have been announced, still more are in danger of being closed. Almost 400 libraries nationwide are already threatened with closure, and the total could reach an estimated 800. Instead of considering libraries an essential public service, the Conservative government wants to axe them under the assumption that volunteers will step in and run them instead. (This same argument has been applied to other public services; where the government thinks all these volunteers will come from during a recession, I don’t know.)

This map will tell you which libraries are threatened. It’s a sad map. This map tells you what events are happening at your local library on Saturday, protests and author readings to support libraries. It is an encouraging map but still not a happy one. Also look out for the #savelibraries hashtag on Twitter, which has been seeing a lot of action. And read Philip Pullman’s speech about why the library cuts are a false economy.

“Libraries have an enviable network of estate and expertise and a tribe of incredibly diverse and passionate customers; 325 million visits were made to libraries last year and an additional 113 million visits online,” commented Libraries Minister Ed Vaizey last year before falling silent and allowing the juggernaut of Conservative cuts to roll over UK libraries.

Gloria De Piero, the shadow minister for media and culture, has been speaking up for libraries: “Libraries provide a particularly crucial service to mums with toddlers, pensioners and the one in five people who do not have the internet at home and need their local library to look for jobs… Almost 80% of 11- to 15-year-olds visit a library and children’s borrowing continues to increase year on year. For many areas of the country there are tremendous success stories as library visits increase during the recession.”

This is not the first time we’ve been called upon to save libraries. Back in the 1990s I was a junior member of my local library campaign. You can read a fictionalised version of some of our experiences in my mother’s book Special Powers in which the character of Emily Grey is based loosely on me and my friend Sara.

Libraries will always be important to me. Between the ages of 11 and 15 I was miserable at school. A series of substitute teachers, bad teaching and uncaring school management meant I wasn’t learning anything and was being lazily bullied by a group of students with nothing better to do. But bullies very rarely follow you into libraries. I took refuge in my school library at first and then later in my local library. When I eventually got into trouble for persistent truanting, the trouble wasn’t as bad as it might have been because while I wanted to escape, the place I escaped to was a safe and supportive one. (The librarians twigged that no child has a school project that lasts from 9-4 for weeks and weeks.)

In my life as a professional writer I have twice been asked to open school libraries: the Fryer Library at Leighton Park school in Reading and the library at my own school (the one I moved to at 15 after the terrible one) of Channing in Highgate. I’m always very happy to open libraries and miserable to think of them closing. If it hadn’t been for libraries what would have happened to teenage me? Where would I have hidden from the bullies and found happiness in books? Would I be an author today? Would I have gone to university? (My Head’s statement about me referenced the running away to hide in libraries as essential to my character.)

Save libraries. Save them for children, for adults, for the elderly. For job hunters, for the disabled, for the homeless. Save them for yourselves and for your future. We need these arks of words. We will miss them terribly if they are taken away.

Feminist-friendly YA fiction

Filed under: recommended reading — Tags: , — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 2:00 pm

The furore I posted about yesterday has inspired me to do a new recommendations list of feminist-friendly YA novels.

But, before I launch into it, what qualifies something in my mind to appear on this list. Here are the factors I am currently working on:

  1. Equal billing, equality of opportunity: women and girls should be presented as equal to men and boys. Ideally there should be as many female characters as male and in similarly ranked professions e.g. fiction with three male doctors and three female nurses would not count
  2. Passes Bechdel test: girls must talk together about something other than boys
  3. Avoids stereotyping: boys are allowed to like pink and dislike sport, girls are allowed to enjoy sport and aren’t inevitably interested in fashion.

Okay so those three are givens. I think there are probably lots of other potential criteria too though – elements that aren’t required but would increase the feminist-friendly nature of the work. For example:

  • Characters discover/learn/engage with feminist issues e.g. equal pay, reproductive freedom, harmfulness of the beauty industry etc
  • Matriarchal fantasy society or similar female empowerment, unless presented as vile dystopia

Does anyone have ideas to add to these?

An example recommendation, on these terms, with an explanation, might read:

Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
In the fairytale kingdom of Ingary, oldest sister Sophie expects to fail first and worst at everything she tries. But when a wicked witch’s curse turns her life upside down she sets off to seek her fortune. Strong and intelligent female characters strew the pages of this book from Sophie and her sisters to the Witch of the Waste herself. Some readers might cavil at the romance plot which suggests the love of a good woman redeems a shiftless man but this is expressed with emotional realism and doesn’t fall back on an easy ‘happy ever after’ ending.

February 3, 2011

Censorship or responsiveness?

Bitch magazine posted a list of “100 Young Adult Books for the Feminist Reader”. The original list included Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan, Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce and Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott. After receiving critique that Tender Morsels validates (by failing to critique or discuss) rape as an act of vengeance, Sister’s Red has a victim-blaming scene and Living Dead Girl is triggering, the editors decided to remove/replace the books commenting: “We still feel that these books have merit and would not hesitate to recommend them in certain instances, but we don’t feel comfortable keeping them on this particular list.”

John Scalzi posted about this on his blog and reported that:

a number of high profile, award-winning and/or bestselling YA authors, including Scott Westerfeld, Justine Larbalestier, Maureen Johnson and Ellen Kages hit the roof and show up in the comments to demand their own books be removed from the list as well.

But I’m not so sure that this deserves to be called censorship. I find myself feeling differently about this than I did about a teenage literary festival disinviting guest of honour Ellen Hopkins after one librarian challenged the suitability of her work. Is Bitch really wrong to ensure that their list of YA books is feminist-friendly? If a book had made it on to the list but had the conclusion that a feisty female character should stop being such a tomboy and wear high heels, they’d surely be right to remove it. Obviously in an ideal world they’d have researched, read and discussed all the titles before putting them on the list but even a book might be challenged by a reader who noticed something the editors didn’t.

I haven’t read any of the contentious titles so I don’t know if the criticism is validated. (I turn out to have read only 17/100 so I need to get to the local library and check out all the books I’ve missed.) I am a little uncomfortable with one person making a complaint and then the list being changed. Although, in the case of Sister’s Red the commenter did link to another blog post with 98 comments at the BookSmugglers blog on the potential problems with the book.

Part of being an active feminist or feminist ally means listening when someone tells you that text or imagery is problematic, that the message you are sending is not the one you intended to send, that you need to think harder, think deeper about certain ideas and concepts.

Does Scott Westerfield’s status as a published YA author of a book on the list or his opinion that Tender Morsels is a good book constitute more valid grounds for inclusion than the complainants’ grounds for exclusion?

What do you think, readers? Bitch made a mistake, I think we can all agree on that. But what was their mistake? Including the books in the first place? Taking them off the list again?

Is this censorship or response to criticism? (Interestingly one commenter liked the list but thought it was inappropriate to show to a teenage girl because it includes the word ‘bitch’, the name of the magazine. Now that *is* censorship and the magazine rightly refused to remove their own name from the list. I can usually tell what is and what isn’t censorship.)

Let me know your thoughts. And also how many of the books on the list you’ve read – or if you’ve read the three contentious titles.

January 22, 2011

Author chat on Skype today

Filed under: live chat — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 1:49 pm

Background and details here.

To prepare for the chat:
1. Download Skype
2. Request to contact rhiannonlassiter.
3. Find out what GMT (Greenwich Meridian Time) is in your timezone, this timezone converter will help.
4. At 14:00 GMT on Saturday 22 January 2011 send me a chat request and I will add you to the group chat.

Author chat starts in 15 minutes on Skype!

Edited to add: Author chat is now over for today. Thank you those who participated and I’ll post the transcript tomorrow.

January 21, 2011


Filed under: interview — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 12:21 pm

Last night I was twitterviewed by Emlyn Chand and her followers. It was really interesting – and a challenge to fit my replies into tweets. You can read the full twitterview on Emlyn’s blog.

January 15, 2011

Live author chat – Saturday 22 January 14:00 GMT

Filed under: live chat,Skype — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 5:44 pm

Next Saturday I’ll be trialling a new idea: live author chat with fans. After chatting to one of my fans on facebook about my writing, her writing, and other authorial questions it occurred to me that it could be fun to offer a live chat session as a regular thing.

Questions about my books and my characters or how I got published are very welcome. Also please ask about my favourite authors, books, films, hobbies or recommendations of things I like.

I’m also happy to chat about your book ideas but I can’t offer to read your text and make comments, I’m afraid, so short questions only on that topic, please. Obviously no abusive behaviour will be permitted, so please don’t say anything to offend or annoy other chat participants. It will be text chat, not video chat, although I may arrange video another time.

To prepare for the chat:
1. Download Skype
2. Request to friend rhiannonlassiter. (It can take awhile to download and install skype so do this at least the day before!)
3. Find out what GMT (Greenwich Meridian Time) is in your timezone, this timezone converter will help.
4. At 14:00 GMT on Saturday 22 January 2011 send me a chat request and I will add you to the group chat.

See you there!

January 14, 2011

My mother said…

Filed under: Ghost of a Chance,links,reviews of my books — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 10:44 am

My mother, children’s writer Mary Hoffman, has reviewed Ghost of a Chance on her blog – and most flatteringly, which she promises is not nepotism!

You can also read a short piece by me about how I came to write the book.

Both blog post and my comments contain a spoiler – although the same one you’d get from reading the blurb of the book.

January 7, 2011

Competition winner announcement

Filed under: competition,Ghost of a Chance — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 12:06 pm

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Ghost of a Chance competition yesterday. It was a strong field with lots of great answers. But in the end I’ve decided that the winner is… ::: drum roll ::

Her answer was: “The best way to solve a murder is to be there at the time. Sadly this might mean you won’t be anywhere else for the foreseeable future.”

Well done, Candy! Email me your address (you can use the contact form on this website) and I’ll send you your signed copy of Ghost of a Chance. I’m impressed with your answer – and with your confidence that you would win!

If you competed but were unsuccessful, look out for another book giveaway in the LibraryThing early reviewers January batch when there’ll be ten more copies on offer.

January 6, 2011

Happy Ghost of a Chance day to me!

Filed under: book release,competition,Ghost of a Chance — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 9:35 am

Ghost of a Chance coverToday is Ghost of a Chance day: my new book has been published. (Officially now, Amazon jumped the gun a bit.)

The wonderful, talented Sara Wallcraft has designed special friezes for my Ghost of a Chance webpage, one of the Chance house, one of some beautiful peacocks. Do make sure to check it out.

You can also find a sample chapter of the book. Hopefully once you’ve read it, you’ll be inspired to rush out and immediately buy a copy.

But for one lucky person there could be a free copy heading your way. To celebrate, I’m announcing a competition to win a signed copy of the book. For your chance to win, comment on my blog with your answer to the question “What’s the best way to solve a murder?” Winners will be announced tomorrow at 9am GMT, to give everyone time to take part. (Make sure to comment on the blog itself, not on the Facebook syndicated version.) If you’ve already ordered a copy, why not have a go anyway and win a copy for a friend or family member?

Happy Ghost of a Chance day to me and to all of you!

Edited to add: Ghost of a Chance is already Book of the Week at new crime blog Crime Central!

Competition entrants, please make sure to check back tomorrow to see if you’re the winner because I will need to get your street address from you to send you your prize!

January 3, 2011

Happy New Year and countdown to Ghost of a Chance!

Filed under: book release,Ghost of a Chance,links,news,reviews of my books — Rhiannon Lassiter @ 4:59 pm

WordPress has sent an email to tell me my blog was “fresher than ever” in 2010, which is nice. Unfortunately I think they are still working from the figures from my old hosted account, not my current embedded one. But perhaps that means my blog is even fresher than WordPress thinks?

Ghost of a Chance coverIt’s 3 days until the publication of Ghost of a Chance and I’ll be celebrating here on my blog so stop by and leave a comment. Amazon started shipping it in December although due to the snow some of those copies are trapped in warehouses. But if you’ve got your copy and have read it already I’d be especially interested to know what you think.

I’ll also be posting the first chapter on my webpage for the book: Ghost of a Chance. So if you haven’t got a copy you can try it out. My artist friend is hard at work designing a new frieze for the webpage which should be online shortly. The book has a peacock theme and so too will the frieze.

One website, The Bookbag, has already posted a review of Ghost of a Chance – and recommended it, thanks Robert James!

I’ve been three years writing this book – a long time for me! And I’m very excited to know what people think of it. I can’t quite believe it’s almost publication day!

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